Friday, 19 August 2011

The results are in

The rusults from our poll are in and we thank everyone who voted. We had a draw over what would enter our online world and so we had to flip a galleon. The winner of this was heads which meaans we will have four pages one for each house. a sort of common room. These rooms should be made within a few weeks.

Wednesday, 17 August 2011


A lot of people are asking how you send in work. Simply write about it in comments or email me at to send an attachment of a word document.

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Muggle art

Head over to my page to complete some muggle art homework.


Hello everyone I am Professor Angel and I teach muggle art. I just have to say that I was sitting in the staff room and I found that a student called Isa is doing very well on their work.So head over to my Muggle Art blog and start on that homework.

Welcome Isa

Hi Isa, Hogwarts welcomes you. I understand you are in Gryffindor so I believe you have some great classmates. Here you are in the book of students.
Also just a quick reminder to study lots during the holidays.